
DAY 1. October 16 (Wednesday)

09:30 - 09:40 Opening Remarks Bomsu(Francis) Yeh
President, KINPA (Vice President, KT)
09:40 - 09:45 Congratulatory Remarks Kwanghyung Lee
Chairman, Presidential Council on Intellectual Property
09:45 - 09:50 Congratulatory Remarks Wanki Kim
Commissioner, KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office) 
09:50 - 10:20 Corporate IP Awards 2024
10:20 – 10:40 Presentation Current Status and Policy Direction of Presidential Council on Intellectual Property
Jisu Kim
Secretary-General, IP Strategy & Planning of Presidential Council on Intellectual Property
10:40 - 11:00 Keynote Speech Current Status of Battery Industry & LG Energy Solution’s IP Strategy
Jeyoung Kim
CTO, LG Energy Solution
11:00 - 13:00 Luncheon & Coffee Break
Session 1. IP Intelligence
When exploring new technologies or new business opportunities, it has been common practice to use IP intelligence to develop R&D pipelines and shape corporate IP strategies. Analyzing global IP trends and comparing the competitive landscape by industry and country has proven to help derive competitive advantage strategies that are critical to business success. Leading domestic and international IP service platforms have long provided excellent tools that integrate techniques such as machine learning and data mining to enable easier, faster, and more accurate analysis. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has further improved the speed, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility of such analysis. The considerable amount of data accumulated since the inception of the patent system, coupled with the emergence of large language models (LLMs) and generative AI technologies, is giving rise to an ever-expanding ecosystem of IP-based AI. As a result, users involved in generating, using, examining, and institutionalizing IP are competing fiercely to gain strategic advantage and uncover business opportunities in shorter timeframes. It is becoming increasingly important to have clear judgment and sharp execution skills to decide how to build barriers to entry through the most effective use of various tools.
This session will explore the benefits of AI-based service platforms built so far; it will also provide an opportunity to hear the opinions and perspectives of industry experts representing various IP on the trajectory of IP ecosystem expansion and response strategies from the perspective of users who utilize them. It will help participants gain insight and knowledge on the appropriate tools and how best to use them.
13:00 - 13:30 Expert Speech IP Intelligence Innovation: Corporate Global Competitiveness Redefined by Big data and Large-Scale-AI
Dukhyung Choi
Head of IP Intelligence Department, Wert Intelligence
13:30 - 14:00 KINPA Unique Speech AI Roadmap for Patent Practice
Yongsup Yi
AI Consultant, LG AI Research
14:00 - 15:00 Panel Discussion Strategy for Selecting and Utilizing AI-based IP Platforms: Why Should we Make use of AI for Intellectual Property Optimization?
Moderator Heok Son
Director, Kakao Enterprise
Panelist Jihoon Kim
Principal Consultant, Clarivate
Janghyun Yoo
Jeongho Yun
CEO, Wert Intelligence
Donghyun Kim
Senior Consultant, LexisNexis
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
Session 2. IP Dispute
The objective of this session is to promote the exchange of information on the latest trends and issues in patent litigation and dispute resolution strategies. In addition, through the analysis of some successful cases, some of the ways to prevent technology misappropriation and related legal issues will be thoroughly explored. This session will provide attendees with the opportunity to gain practical knowledge and strategies from industry-specific experts and legal professionals, thereby enabling them to improve their own company's patent management practices and dispute resolution strategies.
15:30 - 16:00 Expert Speech Emerging Paradigms in Patent Trials: Key Transformations and Challenges
Sunyoung Yoon
Patent Attorney, Kim & Chang (Former Chief Presiding Administrative Judge, Korean Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board (KIPTAB))
16:00 - 16:30 KINPA Unique Speech Trends in Patent Disputes and Strategies for Utilizing Patent Rights to Achieve a Fair Environment and Sustainable Growth in Advanced Industries: A Case Study of the Battery Industry
Hansun Lee
Head of Center/Vice President, LG Energy Solution
16:30 - 17:30 Panel Discussion Prevention and Countermeasures Against Technology Theft: Legal Insights and Practical Approaches
Moderator Hyejin Lee
High Court Presiding Judge, Intellectual Property High Court
Panelist Chinsu Lee
CIPO(Chief Intellectual Property Officer), HUROM
Insik Jeong
Director General, KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office) 
Kwangnam Kim
High Court Judge, Seoul High Court
Bomsu(Francis) Yeh
Vice President, KT (President, KINPA)
17:30 - 19:30 Welcome Reception